Virtual Site Visit in Interior Design Education

Yi, Y. & Bhattacharjee, S.
Submitted in Design and Technology Education: an International Journal


This study investigates the effectiveness of 360-degree panorama-based Virtual Reality (360VR) as a tool to simulate real-world site visit experiences in interior design education.


The increased use of 360VR has transformed human experiences. However, there have been limited reports on 360VR uses in design education and its effectiveness.


The online survey was implemented to ask students about their learning experience of using a 360VR. The second stage focused on the objective comparison of students learning outcomes between the 360VR method and the traditional approach.


Students reflected positive experiences on their engagement in learning, special layout, visualization, and educational effectiveness. The result of the student learning outcome evaluation showed a significant improvement in students’ spatial planning, finish selection, and total scores when the 360VR method was used after the traditional approach.


360VR and virtual walkthrough experiences benefited students understanding of the site during the design process.